FPL to help pay for going underground

Currently FPL (and Gulf Power) require local governments to pay all costs to place utility lines underground. The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) today approved…

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A lesson from Va. Tech murders

The mass murderer at Va. Tech, Cho Seung-Ho, was a stalker. The first victim was a girl – Emily Hilscher – with whom Cho was…

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More GOP Congressmen in trouble

The Miami Herald has an article about two more Republican Congressmen in trouble for illegally profiting from their party leadership positions when the GOP held…

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Robo calls under fire

If you hate those automated phone calls from candidates, their wives, supporters and family pets, then take heart. State Sen. Jim King (Rep – Jacksonville)…

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House sales tax proposal hurts young, locals and active

The South Florida Sun Sentinel did a great story analyzing the House tax proposal that would raise state sales tax to 8.5 percent. Jonathan Hamilton,…

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Has daily axed local columns?

Last column by Mark O’Brien is dated April 16. Last column by Carl Wernicke – April 15 Last column by Reggie Dogan – April 14…

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Infant mortality close to Miss. levels

Sunday edition of the NY Times had an article on infant mortality Mississippi among blacks. In 2005, 17 out of every 1,000 children born to…

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Martinez must return campaign funds

Florida’s Republican senator was found to have received contributions to 2004 campaign in excess of federal limits, according to an audit by the Federal Election…

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Daily editor says he knows best

Just months after he asked his readers to tell him what makes a good newspaper, PNJ executive editor Richard Schneider tells them they’re wrong. The…

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Mainstream media indicted

Bill Moyers tackles the media and its role in the Iraq War next week on his PBS show. Northwest Florida makes the show: Moyers also…

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Elebash bashes port finances

Subject: Port finances Port of Pensacola – Six Months Financial Report The City Finance Director will present the mid-year City financial report to the Council…

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Gaetz sponsors bill to allow panhandling on road ways

State Sen. Don Gaetz has sponsored the Iris Roberts Act (sb1946c1.html) which will allow charitable groups to solicit funds on state roads. Escambia County officials…

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