Hot Seat: Gene Valentino

My IN Your Face TV interview with Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino: PART 1 PART 2 The IN media empire continues to grow.

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Q100 – Friday morning

Filling in for John Stuart from 6 to 9 a.m. Listen  in. Should be fun.

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Van Camp files

Escambia County Jeff Van Camp has filed for Santa Rosa County sheriff. The election is next year. Van Camp will do very well in south…

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Talking Points

From my WUWF TV show – IN Your Face TV. Topics: Access Escambia, Benny Washington, City Sanitation, Private Landfills and Operation Brownsville Click here to…

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Guantanamo as seen by Aussie reporter

Karen Greenberg of the Australian paper “The Age” took part in U.S. tour of the Guantanamo prison. She reveals in this artilce that the US…

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Stem cell research – next Tallahassee battle?

This is your science lesson for the day: The Miami Herald reports that GOP lawmakers attended a private lecture by a Utah professor on stem…

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Blog view 3/15/07

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County pay raises

How was the $3.477 million pay raise implemented for Escambia County workers? General workers, levels A & B:     $2,440,701.10 (70% total pay increase) Immediate…

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Miller gets Golden Mouse

…couldn’t resist the headline. The Web site of U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL-01) was honored recently by the Congressional Management Foundation, for being one of…

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House leaders tell school district to raise taxes…

While Gov. Crist and Republican lawmakers are beating their chests proclaiming property taxes should be cut, House Republican leaders are telling school districts to raise…

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Prison break star dines at Global Grill

Wentworth Miller, co-star of Fox TV series “Prison Break”, dined at Global Grill last night with two friends. All wore hats to disguise themselves and…

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City rules for county neighborhoods

The daily newspaper has an article on attempt in Scenic Hills subdivision to create an Enhanced Neighborhood Protection zone whereby they can: Restrict any outbuildings…

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