Illinois Covered – statewide healthcare insurance

The Democratic governor of Illinois is proposing a $2.1 billion plan to help pay for healthcare. The plan doesn’t stop with the uninsured, but also…

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City Department Head salaries – ranked

Thanks to a public records request by the daily: City Mgr Tom Bonfield+bonus $156,800 City Atty John Fleming $125,435 Asst. City Mgr Robert Payne $120,161…

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Take Pride in Pensacola

  Press Release  A Beautiful Community Begins with Me! Just over a year ago when Take Pride in Pensacola was started by the LeaP class…

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Who is Marco Rubio

  Miami Herald tells us: “When Marco Rubio first entered the Florida Legislature, he was a 28-year-old attorney just four years out of law school….

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Dailies are killing the golden goose

Mother Jones takes a look at newspaper chains: “It’s not the Internet that’s killing newspapers. It’s the equity-chasing investors and their friends at the FCC…

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Coulter calls out Edwards – “faggot”

Republican national politics reaches new low when Ann Coulter speaking yesterday at the Conservative Political Action Conference jokes about Democrat John Edwards being gay. Edwards…

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Anti-Olberman website admits failure

Olbermann Watch shuts down after MSNBC renews Keith Olberman’s contract. Being negative doesn’t always work…..good lesson for Pensacola. Letter from There is no disguising…

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GOP has own flip-flop candidate – Romney

‘For Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the transition from moderate, gay-friendly, abortion-tolerating Massachusetts governor to a certified social conservative isn’t going smoothly. YouTube and Google…

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Did you know?

Conservative Christians have there on Wikipedia – Conservapedia. Of course bloggers and pranksters are having a field day posting phony articles. Read Wired article

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A presidential candidate you may not know

Ron Paul’s Presidential Exploratory Committee YouTube video Ron Paul on MySpace This isn’t an endorsement. For informational purposes only.

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Access Escambia – sales tax

The proposal by Access Escambia to have a half-cent sales tax to help pay for doctor visits for the uninsured has surfaced two area of…

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Pensacola loses out again

On Thursday, February 15, President Bush signed into law – H.J.Res. 20, which provides FY 2007 appropriations through September 30, 2007, for continuing projects and…

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