Esc. County results – 44 of 45 precincts

GOP Primary  C.V. (Clay) Ford         1,731   (29.9%) George Scarborough   1,646   (28.5%) Democratic Primary Elizabeth Campbell     1,819   (51.5%) John H. Wyche           1,710   (48.5%)

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Early results

30 of 45 Precincts Reporting* Total Eligible Voters: 62,604 (Republican: 28,289 Democrat: 34,315) Republican Primary Election State House of Representatives, District 3 Candidate         Votes  …

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Good Luck to the Candidates

Next 12 hours will determine who will have the Republican and Democratic nominations for House District 3. By now, all the candidates are worn out….

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Mail and phone call: 2/5/07

All four GOP candidates have worked hard. Yesterday was relatively quiet day at the Outzen household only one mailer – a flyer with a letter…

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Alright, all 13,872 people who visited this blog over the past week need to vote in the House District 3 race – that is if…

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M.J. memories

We’re working on a tribute article on M.J. for our Feb. 8th. Please email our editor Duwayne Escobedo ( your favorite stories about M.J. Menge….

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Hawkshaw: bands emailing info

As of noon, a dozen local bands have emailed, called or dropped on CD’s. There is a nice groundswell happening. Please keep emailing me at…

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MJ Menge is dead

Dammit. Life isn’t fair. The very best of us is gone. I’ll write more when my tears dry and my heart stops aching.

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Election Eve Observations

Before I start, I think it would be good to explain a few things about political commentary. Based on some of the comments being posted…

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Hawkshaw heat

Keep getting reports from around town that the SF committee gang and their friends are still upset about Hawkshaw Music Fest. Places like the bar…

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Wyche campaign funds

John Wyche has put up $491.07 of his own money and raised another $9535 since 1/18/07: Date        Amount    Contributor Name    City State Zip       …

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Campbell campaign funds

Liz Campbell has raised $4,880 since 1/18/07: Date    Amount    Contributor Name        City State Zip        Occupation 1/22/2007    50    BOLIN ELIZABETH    “PENSACOLA, FL 32505” 1/22/2007   …

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