Legislature has property insurance plan

Key legislators reached a final compromise Sunday night on how to solve Florida’s property insurance woes.Full House and Senate will vote today on the plan….

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Warren, not Jimmy. Started reading The Tao of Warren Buffett this weekend. Here are some of my favorite Warren Buffet quotes: You can’t make a…

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Talking Point: Good Government

Here is my IN Your Face TV Talking Point on Escambia County Government. Click here

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Springfest still in critical condition

This week, Jeff Deweese and I have a ton of meetings to see if we just might be able to pull this off. Many of…

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Blog links to FLAPolitics.com

Ricksblog.biz is now linked to FLA Politics – a collaborative website for the discussion of Florida politics. We’ve been added as political commentators on what’s…

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IN Your Face TV – George Scarborough Part 2

Second part of my interview with George Scarborough. Click here to view

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IN Your Face TV – George Scarborough Part 1

Here is the first part of my interview with Republican House District 3 candidate George Scarborough for our TV show – IN Your Face TV…

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FOX wants payola

Rumor: We’re hearing that FOX Channel 10 is wanting $$$ from Mediacom and will pull their station if a per-subscriber fee isn’t worked out. Mediacom…

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Springfest in intensive care

Yesterday, Jeff DeWeese & I began making phone calls and visits about a new smaller scale Springfest. Received favorable comments. Still too early to completely…

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Ritchie won’t take the bait

DeeDee Ritchie will not be filing today to run for House District 3 – despite polls giving her a 21-point lead. I spent an hour…

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County confirms

My sources inside Escambia County confirmed that Main St. Plant is a done deal. Kevin White will still vote against it, but ECUA director Steve…

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Roberts bows out

After careful consideration, I have decided not to join the race for Florida House District 3. My goal is represent the interests of the people…

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