Harris and Bush side-step

Congresswoman Katherine Harris – and GOP candidate for Senate – was allowed to address the Pensacola Civic Center crowd before the president arrived, but wasn’t…

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Rove upset with Crist as No-show

CNN reports: “White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove expressed frustration Monday over Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist’s decision not to appear with…

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IN staff almost arrested

Our staff headed over to the Pensacola Civic Center to see President Bush at noon today. As Joani and Riannon innocently tried to cross Garden…

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Yikes, Katherine Harris is town

Sighted at The Coffee Cup. Guess she will be on the stage at the Civic Center.

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Bad campaign flyer

Blogger Wonkette has posted this actual campaign mailer by GOP candidate Gus Bilirakis who is running for Congressional District 9 in Florida against Democrat Phyllis…

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New Political Dirty Trick

The latest political dirty trick appears to be bombarding voters with phone calls that the voters think are from the opposition. Of course, the party…

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Military papers say Dump Rumsfeld

In an unprecedented move, all our military papers (Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times, and Marine Corps Times) are publishing an editorial calling for…

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Pres. Bush to speak at 1 p.m.

GOP worked hard yesterday to be sure the Pensacola Civic Center is filled. Doors open at the Civic Center open at 10:30 am. Downtown Pensacola…

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Mark O’Brien translator – 11/6/06

Mark had a rough weekend. Opens with a short story of Joe Royals, convicted felony who got clemency and now can vote. Then we get…

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Chief Perkins responds to Volunteer Prez

Escambia Co. Fire Chief Ken Perkins has responded to the letter from Steve McNair, president of the Esc. Co. Volunteer Firefighters Association ( See McNair…

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Slate.com: Washington Buzz

Zeitgeist Checklist, Kerry’s Back Edition What Washington is talking about this week. By Michael Grunwald Posted Saturday, Nov. 4, 2006, at 7:05 AM ETWho Do…

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IN Your Head Radio – 11/3/06 Show

Winners & Losers: Helping ECUA News: John Hosman, Pensacola Young Professionals Loaded Gun: Adam Roth Rant: Annexation Click here to Listen to Program 16

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