2005 Crime Stats for Greater Pensacola Area

The FBI released its annual crime statistics report yesterday, and the Pensacola MSA (includes Escambia and Santa Rosa counties) did better in 2005 than most…

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Gore: No more payroll taxes

Al “An Inconvenient Truth” Gore has come up with a unique tax method that may boost employment and help the environment. At speech yesterday at…

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Damn, Ron Melton. There is a Black Caucus

Remember when right before the Sept. 5th primary, the chairman of the Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee sent out a press release warning voters about…

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Who will be on Maritime Park board?

The PNJ did a story on the board for Community Maritime Park Associates: Interest high in park board. This board will oversee the construction, development…

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New Commissioner will focus on jobs

The Escambia County Commissioner for District 2, Gene Valentino, was elected primarily because he offered the voters a solid platform. Economic Development and Jobs were…

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McNesby gives buddies 12% raise

RB Buzz: Sheriff Ron McNesby is giving his administration heads a 12% raise. It’s hard to pick the raises out of his 2006-07 budget request…

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE> Arthritis Foundation to Baste Independent News Publisher PENSACOLA, Fla. – The Northwest Chapter of the Florida Region of the Arthritis Foundation has…

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Christian review of Jesus Camp

 Phil Boatwright of SAWorship.com has reviewed the documentary Jesus Camp. Boatwright is the editor and film reviewer for The Movie Reporter, a monthly film guide…

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Touch Screen Voting – paper trail needed

We wrote about it on August 31 (Red, White & Screwed). Others in blogosphere have been concerned for months over the touch screen voting machines…

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What’s beer for?

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Escambia County Overall has increase in young voters

 Escambia County saw a huge increase in young adults voting (ages 18-35, 36-40) too. The county had a 57% increase in voting on Sept. 5th over…

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IN & PYP got out the vote

There was a tremendous increase in young voters (ages 18-35, 36-40) for Sept. 5th Primary over the March 2006 LOST Referendum. Overall, the City of…

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