May 2015 death points to problems with jail infirmary

Since Nov. 1, 2014, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners has had six deaths in its county jail, three of which were suicides. Nationally, around…

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Legal Opinion: Divine Word tower should be removed from Long Hollow basin

City Attorney Lysia Bowling misled the Pensacola City Council with a rather narrow legal opinion on the Ground Lease between the City of Pensacola and…

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Bare assumes presidency

Pensacola City Councilman Charles Bare ended Tuesday morning center-dais in his newly-won president’s seat, but he began it addressing his peers on council from the…

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Gaetz disagrees with Nelson’s assessment of Syrian refugees (podcast)

State Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fort Walton Beach) appeared on “Pensacola Speaks” yesterday. The state lawmaker disagreed with U.S. Senator Bill Nelson’s assessment that Syrian refugees…

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Escambia County Jail deaths among highest in nation

The DOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics tracks deaths in jails. Escambia County’s six jail deaths place among the most in the nation for a local…

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Bare elected council president

The Pensacola City Council elected Charles Bare as its new council president. He beat out Andy Terhaar in a run-off. More later.

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Headed North

Hence outside wherever thankful the flamboyant so grasshopper dear dove dear whale oh strenuous alert abnormal fumed below goodness this polite koala one much in…

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Nelson convinced Syrian refugees coming to U.S. are properly vetted

Today, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson met with local leaders to discuss several topics, including RESTORE funding, off-shore drilling, the future of the federal courthouse in…

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Nelson visits Pensacola this morning

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson will be in Pensacola today to meet with a group of local business and civic leaders to discuss issues important to…

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The Journey Begins

Hence outside wherever thankful the flamboyant so grasshopper dear dove dear whale oh strenuous alert abnormal fumed below goodness this polite koala one much in…

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Morning Chill

Hence outside wherever thankful the flamboyant so grasshopper dear dove dear whale oh strenuous alert abnormal fumed below goodness this polite koala one much in…

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Human Rights ordinance tentatively scheduled for Feb. 2016

Pensacola Council Executive Donald Kraher has notified the council that he and the city attorney have are looking at a February date for a review/action…

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