Bay County cracks down on Spring Break

After seven people were shot and numerous arrests over the past week, the Bay County Commission passed an ordinance Tuesday to ban drinking in the…

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Best April Fool’s Day issue ever

My Favorite April Fool’s issue was published in 2008. Every story was funny, and, at least, one of them became true. 5. Downtown Will Stink…

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PS Podcast: Who will Democrats run for U.S. Senate in 2016

On Pensacola Speaks, Democratic Party insider Kevin Cate shared his insights on Congressman Patrick Murphy and the 2016 U.S. Senate race. “Pensacola Speaks airs on…

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New poll gives Bush and Rubio boosts

By JIM SAUNDERS THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA With voters pointing to concerns about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s honesty, former Gov. Jeb Bush…

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BTW: No new contract for city attorney

The Pensacola City Council and media were told last Wednesday that the city would execute a new contract with City Attorney Lysia Bowling, a contract…

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PS Podcast: Rick Wilson on Chris Christie- ‘Guy is dead but two dumb to lay down and start stinking’

On Pensacola Speaks, I interviewed GOP political strategist Rick Wilson on the various Republican presidential hopefuls. He is no fan of New Jersey Gov. Chris…

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Bare’s proposed ordinance that prohibits the use of private email when conducting official city business.

Here is the summary memo from Councilman Charles Bare on his proposed ordinance: All employees and elected officials in the city are provided with government-issued…

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Council to consider banning private emails for official business

Besides want to discuss the termination of the CBRE’s listing agreement with the CBRE, Councilman Charles Bare also wants the council to discuss banning the…

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PS Podcast: CMPA wins appeals case against former master developer

While the Pensacola City Council and Mayor Ashton Hayward debate with to do with its listing agent for the Community Maritime Park, the CMPA won…

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Hayward appoints Olson administrator

The announcement comes after three major miscues by the Barker-Fountain-Olson triumvirate: CBRE fee structure change, City Attorney’s illegal contract and FAA grant denial. Does Olson…

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PS Today: CBRE, VT-MAE and Children

On Pensacola Speaks, Councilman Charles Bare will talk about his proposal to terminate CBRE’s listing agreement for the Maritime Park. He will be followed by…

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City Council to discuss terminating CBRE listing agreement for CMP

Pensacola City Councilman Charles Bare will be placing on the agenda for the April council meeting a motion to terminating CBRE’s listing agreement for the…

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