Pensacola City Council discusses its staff today

Nearly three months after the Pensacola voters narrowly approved a charter amendment (52%-48%) that gave the Pensacola City Council the power to hire its own…

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State Capital Briefs: Telemedicine and gun bills in the legislature

SENATE BILL COULD CLEAR WAY FOR TELEMEDICINE After lawmakers could not reach agreement on the issue last year, two senators filed a proposal Thursday that…

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Scott wants more agency changes

By JIM TURNER AND MARGIE MENZEL THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater wants the state Cabinet to reconsider how it handled…

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City fire pension nearly fully funded

Richard Grover, a member of the city of Pensacola fire pension board, passed on to Inweekly the latest actuarial report on the fire pension. The…

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Context Florida: Baileygate takes an ominous turn

By Dan Gelber Baileygate took a foul turn Sunday from bad political optics to something much more ominous. And the Florida Cabinet and Legislature need…

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Viewpoint: The Last Lynching — The Beulah Mae Donald Story

By Margaret Albrecht When I was 14 years old, a young man was hanged on the streets of a nearby town. His name was Michael Donald….

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Stormwater workshop set for Jan. 22

The City of Pensacola and Escambia County will hold a joint public workshop to discuss stormwater management within the Pensacola Bay Basin, and information regarding…

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Food and beer now available at Pensacola International Airport

It has taken nearly a year, but Mayor Ashton Hayward’s vision of having national brand food service at the Pensacola International Airport has become a…

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IRS rules volunteer firefighters are really county employees

The Internal Revenue Service has been auditing Escambia County’s volunteer fire departments. The agency ruled the stipends paid to volunteer firefighters are taxable wages subject…

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New controversy brewing in state capital over FDLE

The Naples News reports that former Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Gerald Bailey was forced out of office by Gov. Rick Scott. Why is…

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Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice meets on Friday

The Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice will hold its first meeting on Friday, Jan. 16, from 12:30 until 4:45 p.m. in Room 412…

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Proposed new contract of Escambia County Administrator

The Escambia Board of County Commissioners will vote tonight on a new contract of County Administrator Jack Brown. The new contact â–  Would supersede the…

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