Backroom Briefing: GOP, Democrats go to war over women

By BRANDON LARRABEE AND MARGIE MENZEL THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Republican candidates have long suffered from the “gender gap” between male and female voters,…

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First Amendment Foundation asks candidates about their private email accounts and computers

The First Amendment Foundation, the non-profit that promotes open government Florida, asked the two gubernatorial candidates. Rick Scott and Charlie Crist, to answer a few…

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Political cyber attacks, truth does not matter

Escambia County and Pensacola aren’t the only places where campaigns create negative websites to bash their political opponents. The Ocala Star Banner reports today that…

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Poll: Independents give Crist light lead

By JIM SAUNDERS THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA Pointing to support from independent voters, a poll released Thursday gives Democrat Charlie Crist a slight edge…

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Bondi says lobbyists have no impact on her office

The Palm Beach Post interviewed Attorney General Pam Bondi yesterday at a small campaign rally about the NY Times investigation into the possible influence of…

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Firefighters Union endorses Sherri Myers

Incumbent Sherri Myers has received the endorsement of the Pensacola Firefighters Union for the Pensacola City Council, District 2 seat. Myers issued the following statement:…

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Before you vote for Attorney General, read this NYT article

The New York Times published today a story on the growing influence of corporate lobbyists over attorneys general – Lobbyists, Bearing Gifts, Pursue Attorneys General….

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Hayward delivers ‘Skin in the Game’ stump speech

“How does your city?” asked Mayor Ashton Hayward when he opened his talk yesterday at the Escambia Federated Republican Women’s Club luncheon. It was a…

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Commissioner investigated for creating hostile working environment

In some many ways, our community has become numb to ethical violations, poor behavior by elected officials and local government employees that would not be…

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ATU Local endorses Deb Moore

The ATU Local 1395 Executive Board voted in support of endorsing Deb Moore (D) for County Commissioner in District 2. The leadership of ATU felt…

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Florida has most disenfranchised voters

The Sentencing Project has released its report “Felony Disenfranchisement Facts and Statistics in relation to 2014 Midterm Elections.” An estimated 5.85 million Americans will be…

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Port users endorse Taylor for City Council

The Mark Taylor Campaign sent out a press release last week announcing that the Port of Pensacola Users Association has endorsed Mark Taylor for City…

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