Underhill racks up third major endorsement

Emerald Coast Utilities Authority member Dale Perkins announced this morning that he is endorsing Doug Underhill in the Republican primary for Escambia County Commission, District…

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Missing campaign sign mystery solved

Last week I reported that someone in a gray pickup track took two large campaign signs for Michele Inere from the corner of Ninth Avenue…

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Climate Change debate comes to Pensacola

Press Release: 350 Pensacola calls for the Pensacola City Council to support proposed Climate Change Task Force resolution. The Pensacola City Council is set to…

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Campaign sign shenanigans in judge race

The race for Circuit County Judge between Michelle Inere and Jenny Kinsey is heating up, and as in most heated races, reports of sign tampering…

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Councilwoman Myers holds town hall on LOST, July 15

From Councilwoman Sherri Myers: I am hosting a Town Hall meeting to provide City Council District 2 residents and businesses with an opportunity to have…

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Time to get serious about city and county budgets…and local option taxes

Yesterday’s county budget workshop brought to light the financial challenges for Escambia County in the aftermath of the April flooding and the jail explosion. County…

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Nagin sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud and bribery

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, Jr. was sentenced today to 10 years in federal prison for his Feb. 12 conviction of fraud, bribery and…

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Flood could cost Escambia County as much as $150 million

Escambia County Budget Director Amy Lovoy told the Board of County Commissioners this morning at the budget workshop that the costs of the April 29-30…

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The Billings murders occured five years ago today

At dusk on a hot humid night five years ago, a beat-up red van drove onto the front yard of the large two-story, ranch-style house…

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Five top publisher/writer moments over past 15 years

I have been fortunate to work with some very talented writers, designers and editors over the 15 years: Duwayne Escobedo, Christine Born, Tony Baker, Nick…

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Top Five Inweekly pranks over the past 15 years

I find out it hard to believe that our weekly newspaper has survived for 15 years. In the early years, we weren’t as mature as…

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Longleaf dump has worse environmental record than Rolling Hills dump

Longleaf C&D Disposal Facility began accepting waste the fall of 2006. In just two years, monitoring wells detected problems with the groundwater –vinyl chloride, aluminum,…

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