Jack Brown selected new Escambia County administrator

The Escambia Board of County Commissioners voted today to name Jack Brown, Taylor County administrator, its new county administrator. Though the final vote was 5-0,…

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House of Sticks: A Slight Diversion…Tongue In Cheek

Last month I had the opportunity to view the movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street” (WWS). What I was hoping to see was a continuation…

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County taking ECUA to court

Coming out of its ‘shade’ meeting, the Escambia County Commission voted to go back to court and ask ECUA to be the joint receiver of…

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County will discuss resolution of DJJ cost sharing formula, savings $750K annually

The Escambia County Commission will discuss today a settlement with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice that will split the shared detention costs. The Department…

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House of Sticks: Accounting with a Twist

Are you familiar with the term “mark-to-market” accounting? Okay…. mosey back into Google and look it up. This term represents where some economists want to…

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Notes on Airport Concessions hearing yesterday

Judge Gary Bergosh heard arguments for nearly five hours on a temporary injunction request by Robert de Varona, the airport’s food concessionaire, to prevent the…

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House of Sticks: Kneading (or Needing) the Dough

Grab your favorite search engine (Google always works for me) and type in “55 trillion”. A Bloomberg article dated 10-18-11, featuring writers Bob Ivy, Hugh…

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Varona tells employees good bye and thank you

Note: Steve Barnes sends in articles occasionally for this blog. His focus has been sports, but he sent me this on Robert de Varona’s final…

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Varona attorney confirmed no deal

Jesse Rigby of Clark Partington Hart called to confirm there is no deal between his client, Robert de Varona, and the city of Pensacola. He…

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Wait a second. Varona says there is no deal

Just got off the phone with Robert de Varona. There is no deal with the city. “There is no agreement at all,” said Varona. “This…

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Varona files suit against City of Pensacola

Mayor Ashton Hayward warned the Pensacola City Council that the city would be sued if it didn’t give the concessions contract to OHM Group. Apparently…

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Viewpoint: Pensacola the Bully

by Mark Taylor There is not much I despise more than a bully. We’ve all been around them, in school, at the playground, and maybe…

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