Visit Pensacola delivers new bylaws to the county, they decide who minority director is (No surprise)

Hotel lobbyist Ron Ellington has delivered a new set of bylaws for Visit Pensacola to the county attorney. The new bylaws allow for a permanent…

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Chamber speaks out against lodging industry plan

The rush for approval of the structure, budget and transition plan for Visit Pensacola, the new entity created by the lodging industry, to assume control…

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Visit Pensacola bylaws ensure lodging industry control

Tale of Two Bylaws Ron Ellington drafted on July 10 a set of bylaws for Visit Pensacola that he shared with the Greater Pensacola Chamber…

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Congressman uses campaign funds to maintain home

Florida Center for Investigative Reporting is reporting that Congressman Steve Southerland (R-Panama City) used campaign funds to improve and maintain a Panama City home he…

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Ellington had plenty of time to give BCC and public more details (draft Visit Pensacola bylaws)

Ellington’s history with the tourism budget goes back beyond the last few weeks: From: Ron Ellington Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 7:53 PM To: Gene…

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Buzz: ACE requests to make presentation

There really are two tourism issues facing the Escambia Board of County Commissioners: the governance and control of $5.5 million in bed tax dollars and…

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Lobbyist tried to dictate who would represent the arts community on new tourism board

Ron Ellington, paid lobbyist for the hotel industry, apparently has his Visit Pensacola board chosen to run tourism for Escambia County. According to David Bear,…

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Smoke, Mirrors and PowerPoint presentation get $5.5 million from county

Yesterday, the Escambia County Commission approved giving an new group, called Visit Pensacola, $5.5 million in bed tax dollars to run tourism for the county….

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NY Giant talks about his rehab in Pensacola

Maybe the Escambia County Commission should contribute bed tax dollars to the Andrews Institute for all the publicity Dr. Andrews and his patients give the…

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ContextFlorida: Dishonoring the Fallen

My latest column: “When the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City comes around, my thoughts are…

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Buzz: County pay raise in final 2014 budget

At last night’s budget meeting, Interim County Administrator George Touart told the Escambia County Commission that he would include a three-percent raise for every county…

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Firefighters say protest is over safety

By Jesse Farthing Local firefighters are picketing outside Pensacola International Airport in protest of a money-saving proposal by the city that will reduce the number…

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