Buzz: Papantonio says Progressives aren’t warming up to Crist

In a telephone interview today, Pensacola attorney and political pundit Mike Papantonio said Charlie Crist doesn’t appear to be gaining much traction among Progressives around…

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Mr. Outzen, come and defend yourself…another bizarre chapter in Escambia County folklore

Just when we thought county government couldn’t get any more bizarre, Escambia County Commissioner Chairman Gene Valentino called me out yesterday afternoon during the board’s…

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Oh, and about the county privatizing jail medical services

Sheriff David Morgan shared this email exchange regarding the rumor that George Touart was working a backroom deal to bring back Armour to handle medical…

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Mythology of George Touart. He was not that great

Today the Board of County Commissioners will decide if George Touart will be given a contract to become the full-time county administrator. Touart didn’t finished…

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Stand Down, Mr. LeRoy or how Valentino broke his gavel

I’ve heard repeatedly about Commissioner Gene Valentino breaking his gavel last week when he got upset with a citizen addressing the board. Admiral Leroy knows…

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George’s version of the truth

For $50, I got five DVDs of the Escambia County BCC Budget workshops. The videos show some troubling inconsistencies regarding the County’s takeover of the…

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Bollards are coming. They really, really are this time. Promise.

We got this email message via the Downtown Improvement Board: MESSAGE FROM THE CITY OF PENSACOLA Dear Resident/Property Owner: On July 18, 2013, the City…

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Jail death this morning, no foul play expected

The Medical Examiner’s Office is currently investigating a death in the Escambia County Jail Central Booking Division. Richard Craig Adams Jr., age 47, had been…

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Buzz: Hayward prefiles for re-election

Mayor Ashton Hayward has pre-filed to run for mayor of Pensacola in 2014. Donna Clark and Maren Deweese have also pre-filed. Clark has reported $5,250…

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More video on George Touart’s application for county administrator

Interim County Administrator George Touart used his position to campaign publicly before all the commissioners to sell why he should be given the job full-time….

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Sheriff’s Office responds on its internal service fund

Gerald Champagne, the attorney for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, has sent County Attorney Alison Perdue a letter concerning Interim County Administrator George Touart’s recommendation…

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Grover and Wilson took off the gloves (video)

You have to see this YouTube video on last night’s meetings. Commissioners Wilson Robertson and Gene Valentino are getting more upset when it anyone challenges…

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