Valentino attacks detention deputies in WEAR interview

Escambia Commissioner Gene Valentino has gotten off his negotiations with Sheriff David Morgan on the county’s response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s findings of…

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Inside DOJ report on Escambia County Jail

The cover story for the May 30 issue covers why the U.S. Department of Justice investigated the Escambia County Jail. It’s story that some would…

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Baldwin County does not want Escambia County, Fl garbage

Baldwin County commission chairman Tucker Dorsey is speaking to the Escambia County at its special meeting today. He is telling the commissioners that they don’t…

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Has Touart hired jail director that killed Robert Boggon?

The buzz we are hearing out of the county complex is that Interim County Administrator George Touart plans to fight the Department of Justice findings…

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Hayward Hosting District 2 Town Hall

city press release: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward will continue his popular series of “Taking City Hall to the Citizens” town hall meetings with a meeting…

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Fighting for Justice

This week the U.S. Department of Justice issued its findings on the Escambia County Jail. It gave the county 49 days to come up with…

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County Jail cited by DOJ as unsafe, needs more staff and better mental health program

The Civil Right Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has concluded its five-year investigation of the Escambia County Jail and its findings are as…

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Maritime Park mismanaged, not by CMPA, but by City

The daily newspaper, Mayor Ashton Hayward and City Administrator Bill Reynolds want the public to believe the financial woes of the Maritime Park are solely…

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Council passes panhandling ordinance

By Brandy Volovecky The Pensacola City Council voted to approve an ordinance to the city code that would prohibit aggressive panhandling in downtown Pensacola at…

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Oliver’s final report recommends mayor take control of maritime park

The Independent News has gotten a copy of consultant Randy Oliver’s final report on the Community Maritime Park–the one that the mayor didn’t share with…

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Toll Plaza Construction Update

Here’s an update from Escambia County on the toll plaza construction project: Today, May 16, one lane is closed on the Pensacola Beach Boulevard bridge…

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Grover Robinson and Marie Young get a summary judgment in Gibbs case

County Attorney Alison Rogers sent the following email to the county commissioners: Commissioners, Please be aware that today Judge Nobles granted summary judgment for the…

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