Valentino wants to get in line to replace Carroll as Lt. Gov.

Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino wants to be Rick Scott’s Lt. Governor, and his prospects were discussed and joked about by courthouse insiders. Valentino will…

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Camelot’s Town Hall

Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers will host a town hall March 19; the forum will focus on the development of Camelot Park. Here’s the city…

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Buzz: Ellison Bennett files to run for School Board

The former president of the Escambia County chapter of Southern Christian Leadership Conference has pre-filed to run for the District 3 seat on the Escambia…

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Breaking News: Lt. Gov. Carroll resigning

Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll is resigniing. The Florida Times-Union reports that Carroll’s resignation will be announced shortly. It comes amid an investigation into Carroll’s involvement…

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State Attorney agrees to not prosecute Vision Airlines

When the Vision Airlines pulled out of the Okaloosa County airport leaving behind more than $100,000 in Passenger Facility Charges, the state attorney filed charges…

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RESTORE Committee Outlined

During this week’s Escambia County Commission Committee of the Whole, the board will discuss the RESTORE Act advisory committee’s purpose and role. The following is…

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City Council has power to decide Y lease

The City’s bond attorneys have finally issued an opinion on whether it’s the city council or the CMPA that makes the decision about the proposed…

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Hizer’s message to Chamber membership

Good Morning, Before we tell you about the great events lined up for this week, I would like to take a moment to address some…

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Another Hayward staged showdown on YMCA and CMP

The stage is set for another melodramatic showdown. This one is on whether the YMCA will be allowed to lease a parcel at the Community…

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Pensacola Chamber Board vows to restore trust

Chamber chairman Sandy Sansing asked his board to vote for its auditor Saltmarsh, Cleavland & Gund to expand its current audit of chamber finances to…

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Pitching the Plan

When Brian Hooper dove into the downtown redevelopment think tank last year, he was awaiting the arrival of his first child. That baby sat and…

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Where is Mayor Hayward?

Today, Nate Monroe has a column in the daily newspaper regarding the new YMCA. One sentence early in the article struck me: “But it will…

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