Battle brewing over Penzone appointment. Bare asks Mayor Hayward to reconsider

Mayor Ashton Hayward announced early this week that he was appointing David Penzone as the the city of Pensacola’s representative to the RESTORE Advisory Committee….

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Escambia County Landfill continues to burn

Escambia County Press Release: The Cove Landfill fire has sparked up again, this time in an area in close proximity to Pine Meadow Elementary School….

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Mayor’s marketing firm cited in Auditor General’s audit of Okaloosa TDC

The Florida Auditor General’s Office has released its audit report of the Okaloosa County Commission’s oversight of the Tourist Development Council and the TDC’s use…

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Mayor’s Financial Prosperity Partnership

city of Pensacola press release: Representatives from Wells Fargo joined Mayor Ashton Hayward today to announce a $10,000 contribution in support of Mayor Hayward’s Financial…

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PYP Picks Top 3 Downtown Revitalization Ideas

Press Release: Over 150 people assembled at the Fish House Deck last night to hear an open forum discussion on the URAC (Urban Redevelopment Advisory…

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Governor Rick Scott Announces $2,500 Teacher Pay Raise

ORLANDO – Today, joined by teachers at Ocoee Middle School in Orlando, Governor Rick Scott announced that he is proposing a $2,500 teacher pay raise,…

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Another shooting in the city of Pensacola

As was reported by one of my readers on Facebook, there was another shooting in Pensacola. PPD Release: Pensacola Police are investigating a shooting that…

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City of Mobile has downtown club issues, too

Mobile Press Register: The owner of the Alabama Music Box believes the boundaries of a proposed entertainment district that excludes the music venue is another…

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State Issues Debris-Fire Health Advisory

The Florida Department of Health has issued a health advisory pertaining to the fire at an Escambia County landfill. Here is the DOH press release:…

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Touart predecessor in running for Walton County job

Robert T. Halfhill served as interim Escambia County Administrator for sixteen months, from December 4, 2001 until April 21, 2002. One April 22, Touart took…

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What would the new downtown YMCA look like?

One of the hottest topics downtown is the proposal that the YMCA relocate its downtown facility to the Community Maritime Park. The YMCA board hasn’t…

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Viewpoint: Pressing Reset on the Video Game Violence Debate

By Benjamin Stubbs My 6-year-old daughter is bright, happy, and, like many children, loves media. She has always loved books and movies, and she is…

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