Sarah Zieman Martinez headed to D.C.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has announced that Alberto Martinez, who headed Romney’s campaign in Florida and worked for Rubio in the state legislature, is joining…

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R.I.P. Distinctive Kitchens

A downtown retail mainstay since 2004, Distinctive Kitchens has closed. The doors have been locked for weeks. A “Closed for Inventory” sign has been on…

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Now the bad news about fiscal check. Your paycheck will be hit

The Payroll Tax Cut, which reduced your share of payroll taxes by 2 percent and increased your net pay, expired on Dec. 31, 2012 and…

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Magaha not the only one under fire for pay raises

Once the two legislative leaders were sworn in, Florida Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford immediately hired new chiefs of staff and…

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More good news on fiscal cliff deal: Floridians can still deduct sales taxes

The Florida state sales tax deduction has been extended for two year, as part of the fiscal cliff deal between Congress and the White House….

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How to be a better elected official in 2013

Forbes has published a slideshow on how employees can be better. I’ve adapted the 14 points for elected officials. 1. Anticipate your district’s needs. What…

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Good news on fiscal cliff deal: GE keeps wind tax credit

A one-year extension of the tax credit for the wind industry was included in the fiscal cliff deal that Congress passed yesterday. The tax credit,…

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Falling off fiscal cliff could hit your next paycheck

CNN has figured out that if no deal happens today the falling off the fiscal cliff will have a full impact for a few weeks….

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Top Five Economic Trends to reshape Moblie, Escambia County and Pensacola

The Mobile Press Register has published the top five economic trends that it believes will reshape Mobile in 2013. Of course, the Airbus assembly plant…

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Food for guns trade worked in LA. How much chicken can you buy for a rocket launcher?

The Los Angeles Police Department offered for one day only a buyback program. Turn in a gun, get a grocery store gift card. According to…

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The escalating violence in crimes committed in Pensacola is troubling

The violent crime in Pensacola is escalating to a much more dangerous level. In 2009, I was writing about drive-by shootings. Shots were fired over…

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Quote of the Day

NY Times published today an article on the decline of the Tea Party since the 2012 General Election. Florida Senate President Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) had…

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