Critics question the wisdom in constantly rebuilding coastal communities

The New York Times has an article today on the tens of billions of tax dollars that have been spent on subsidizing coastal reconstruction in…

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Viewpoint: A Time for Political Vision, not Political Division

By George Hawthorne, C.E.O., Diversity Program Advisors, Inc….. SOME, not all, of our elected officials have an inimitable ability to live in denial; and it…

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Giraud appointed to judgeship in Santa Rosa County Court

Press Release: Today, Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Jose “Tony” A. Giraud, of Pensacola, to the Santa Rosa County Court. Giraud, 46, has…

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Another rig in the Gulf explodes

Media is reporting Two people were killed, another two were reported missing and at least four were airlifted in critical condition after a fire and…

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Commission: 3% All Around

The Escambia County Commission began the discussion last night by talking about three percent cost-of-living increases for county employees, but in the face of a…

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Budget Amendments, Pay Raises & RESTORE

The Escambia County Commission will be looking to take care of more than a half million dollars worth of supplemental budget amendments tonight. Commissioners plan…

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Free Ashton sticker for sale online, Messer weighs in

The Independent News has the perfect stickers for citizens to voice their take on Pensacola City Council’s attempt to put Mayor Ashton Hayward on trial…

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SRIA Walks the Dog a Little Further

The dogs-on-beach conversation will spend a little more time making the rounds at the Santa Rosa Island Authority. The beach advisory board decided last night…

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City Goes After Occupy Legal Fees

The city of Pensacola today filed a motion in the United States District Court, Northern District of Florida to reopen the Occupy Pensacola case so…

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Citizens organize to stop new interim county administrator

Commissioners Gene Valentino, Kevin White and Wilson Robertson aren’t finding overwhelming support for their hiring of former County Administrator George Touart. A group of citizens…

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SRIA to Consider Dogs on Beach

The Santa Rosa Island Authority will conduct the second public hearing this evening concerning the possibility of allowing dogs limited access to Pensacola Beach. Last…

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City Aid for 1st Time Homebuyers

First-time homebuyers may now find a financial leg-up in the city of Pensacola. The city has announced its new First Time Homebuyer Program. The program…

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