Foreign Delegation Dollars

Recently returned from scouting out business interests in Germany, Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino told the commission this morning to expect visits from foreign delegations…

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Oliver’s Contract on the Table

If Escambia County Administrator Randy Oliver wasn’t yet sweating his upcoming job performance review, he probably is following this morning’s meeting. During its Committee of…

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See new logo for Pensacola Bay Center, formerly known as simply Civic Center

Press Release: Pensacola Civic Center is evolving. SMG, the management company of the venue, presented their plan to the Escambia County Commissioners this morning. They…

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Library Wars

Following a week of back-and-forth over library funding during which city of Pensacola Administrator Bill Reynolds equated recent positions taken by Escambia County as “extortion,”…

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After 30 years, Civic Center may get a name

Our reporter Jeremy Morrison texted me that the Escambia County Commission has approved that the Civic Center being renamed “Pensacola Bay Center.” There is also…

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Library Letters in ‘Chinatown’

The library system was a topic of discussion last time the Escambia County Commission met, and chances are it will be tomorrow as well. While…

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Fresh Market looking to hire 80 to 90 locals

The Fresh Market, the upscale grocer that is opening soon a store near the corner of Airport Boulevard and Ninth Avenue, will bring approximately 80-90…

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A Bicyclist’s Dream

Today’s roadways are designed for the automobile. On many stretches, bikers and walkers finds themselves living on the edge between the curb and the cars….

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Puppy mills and sick puppies

By Shelby Smithey… A recent study by the Humane Society of the United States points to Florida as the highest ranking state for complaints about…

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ECARE, an Empty School and Dixon’s Journey

During its workshop today, the Escambia County School Board discussed reading progress within the district, the future of a closed campus and the progress of…

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Pensacola and Escambia County have never really been pro-library

Most communities take pride in their public libraries. There are seen in many cities as facilities that transform communities and the great equalizer by making…

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County wants its libraries like downtown libraries, plans to cut fund transfer reports that County Administrator Randy Oliver plans to ask the county commissioners to withhold a portion of their funding for the library system in…

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