LOL: Daily adopts our style of primary coverage

PNJ executive editor Dick Schneider tells his reader(s) in his Sunday edition that the daily paper will be the source for navigating the political “jungle.”…

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Kinda seems that way…

Or maybe it’s just that we have had two debates within 12 hours.’s John Dickerson ponders the serious lack of humor in the GOP…

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Would you trust BP to drill in the Arctic Circle?

Not me. BP–which has come to stand for Bulls$%t Petroleum– has proven that it is a serial polluter (if not a serial killer). According to…

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For Sale: Pensacola Civic Center

Escambia County commissioners are looking to unload the Pensacola Civic Center. But  Commission Chairman Wilson Robertson isn’t getting his hopes up. “Personally, I don’t think…

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Ice Flyers add local owner

Press Release: The Ice Flyers ownership group, headed by Tim Kerr, added a new member to the group prior to the season. Greg Harris joins…

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Unemployment Ticks Down to 8.5%, Tea Party apologizes to Obama

…not really… A burst of hiring in December pushed the unemployment rate to its lowest level in nearly three years, giving the economy a boost…

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New Clerk of Court Candidate

Ernie Lee Magaha, Republican, pre-filed today for Clerk of the Court for the 2012 General Election. For the complete candidate list go here:  

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Buzz: CMPA scraps stadium seating, only gets $1500

The Community Maritime Park Associates had the Blue Wahoos pay over $200,000 to upgrade stadium seats at the Maritime Park. What happened to the seats…

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Port as Offshore-Drilling Pitstop?

The Global 1200 is the latest gargantuan fixture up at Pensacola’s port. It’s a whopper of a vessel, with steel braids of cranes and infrastructure…

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Bondi Responds to Feinberg’s Freeze

Recently, Gulf Coast Claims Facility Claims Administrator Kenneth Feinberg froze payments following a court order from Dec. 28. The Court in the multi-district oil spill…

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Buzz: GB Police Chief resigns

Gulf Breeze City Manager Buzz Eddy announced this afternoon that Peter Paulding has resigned as the police chief, effective Jan. 12. Paulding has served the…

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County Considers Settling Lawsuits

During the board’s meeting tomorrow, the Escambia County Commission may be settling two lawsuits filed against the county. The first lawsuit involves a traffic accident…

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