Name for Pratt and Bray’s actions

The hiring and payment of an attorney without the approval of the board of the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency is an ultra vires…

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CRA Damage Control: CRA attorney reaches out to his ‘clients’

The person that Councilwoman Megan Pratt hired to be the attorney for the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency has emailed all the CRA board…

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Feeding Occupy Pensacola

OP Press Release: Everybody’s Kitchen Bus Joins Occupy Pensacola Pensacola, Fla. Nov. 26 2011 – Occupy Pensacola is now receiving support from Everybody’s Kitchen Bus…

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Bachmann Campaign in 100 Seconds

Whatever happened to…

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Sarcasm – Key to Problem Solving

Smithsonian Magazine reports that studies show that sarcasm enhances problem solving. An inability to understand it can be an early warning sign of brain disease,…

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What was the Sept. 19 CRA motion?

Though the Pensacola City Council and the Community Redevelopment Agency are, by their own rules, to follow Robert’s Rules of Order, rarely does it really…

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Gingrich draws fire for immigration approach

In the latest Republican presidential candidate, much of the attention focused on the latest frontrunner, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Jan Crawford reports on some…

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Black Friday Parking

For those looking to head downtown for your Black Friday shopping, you may be concerned about parking. You can spend you change at the stores…

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Pratt interlocal agreement promotes Bray to CRA executive

The interlocal agreement that Councilwoman Megan Pratt and her attorney Doug Sale have created for the City of Pensacola’s CRA and the City of Pensacola…

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Interlocal Disagreement, or How to Cook Thanksgiving Leftovers

The Community Redevelopment Agency of Pensacola will have more than leftover turkey waiting for it after Thanksgiving. There’s a whole can of worms on the…

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Video:The Women Herman Cain Hasn’t Sexual Harassed Speak Out

From Funny or Die: He’s always checking if we have breast cancer Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Ad – watch more funny videos

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Occupy’s Bedside

Gary Paull, Jr. was sleeping late this morning. As late as he could, anyway, on a cot outside Pensacola City Hall. Occupy Pensacola lost its…

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