Gulf Power admits nuclear plant is possibility

Gulf Power spokesman Jeff Rogers told Sunshine Slate that the company is considering a nuclear power plant in the north part of Escambia County: “When…

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Nomination Breakdown

Nominations are in for Pensacola City Council’s next leadership. Council members have thrown each other’s names into a hat and will choose a new president…

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The Man’s Big Brother

Kids that stay out too late may soon have to answer to their parents and Big Brother. Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds seemed nearly giddy…

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Buzz: Little political support for curfew

Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds has been pushing for a teen curfew since last spring. After nearly six months of preaching its virtues, Jerralds has…

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Limbo for Occupy

Occupy Pensacola now sits in an undefined limbo. But it seems limbo’s time may be limber. After camping on the lawn at Pensacola City Hall…

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ESP to Host CNG Workshop

Pensacola officials will join other natural-gas players for a workshop in Miramar Beach in December. The event will focus on transitioning commercial fleets to run…

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Party at Rubio’s

Marco Rubio’s having a party in Pensacola on Thursday, but the U.S. senator probably won’t show. “He most likely won’t be there, but he will…

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One Percent fights back

“What do we want? The rest of it.” See all the CollegeHumor Original Videos here.

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Former Escambia Co. watchdog may get another call

Orlando Sentinel reports that Jim Moye may get the call to replace that region’s embattled toll agency director, at least on an interim basis. Moye…

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Perry goes into Oops damage control

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is doing everything in his power to save his presidential campaign after his disastrous “oops” moment during Wednesday night’s debate. Having…

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Campout Question

Who knows what’s going to happen with the tents at City Hall? But it’s making for interesting city council meetings. “First of all, what happens…

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Giffords’ First Interview After Shooting

A preview of Diane Sawyer’s exclusive interview with the congresswoman. Source: ABC

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