U.S. exports hit all-time high in Sept.

he United States exported $180.4 billion in goods and services in September 2011, an all-time high, according to data released today by the Bureau of…

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Let bidding begin on Gulf oil leases

Press Release: Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Tommy P. Beaudreau today announced that BOEM will…

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Debate recap for those who only want the Cliff-notes

If you don’t watch the candidate debates, you may not understand what’s going on in the presidential race. Politilines, by Periscopic, lets you see what…

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Gulf Power nuclear plant has challenges

NorthEscambia.com reports Gulf Power expects to finish next year buying 4,000 acres of land near McDavid that could eventually be home to a nuclear plant…

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Occupy: ‘Saboteurs Vandalize City Hall’

Press Release: Last night there was an act of vandalism to the parking meters surrounding City Hall. The clear plastic on the meters was blacked…

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Obama, Romney Tied In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,

FLORIDA: Obama 42 – Romney 45 OHIO: Obama 45 – Romney 42 PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 44 – Romney 43 One year before the presidential election, President…

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Not the best defense for Herman Cain (video)

“For every woman who says I harassed them, “thousands” say I didn’t.” -Herman Cain

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FRLA letter to TDC

Yesterday hotelier Julian MacQueen sent the following letter to Jim Hizer, CEO of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. In his cover email to…

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Uh… is this mic on? Take 2

Obama Taxes Christmas. And everyone in Whoville is really upset. How come his people didn’t see that one coming? Read more.

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Proposed bill would restrict local goverments’ ability to charge impact fees or collect for new schools, roads

HB 603 by Rep. Michael Weinstein, R-Orange Park, would prohibit cities and counties from applying impact fees until July 1, 2015 unless approved by a…

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Occupy Pensacola Holds On, Mobile Not So Much

The Occupy in Pensacola is going a bit smoother than its sister-campout in Mobile. While about 20 protesters were arrested overnight in Mobile, local leaders…

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350 Delays Presentation

A local environmental group has decided to delay its presentation originally slated for tomorrow’s Pensacola City Council meeting. Elaine Sargent, spokesperson for Sustainable Gulf Coast/…

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