When in doubt hire a consultant

TEAM Santa Rosa recently disseminated a Request for Proposal in solicitation of a consultant who would be contracted to determine the best structure for Santa…

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Bill Gates reflects on Steve Jobs

Microsoft Chairman shares his reflections on Steve Jobs and talks about continuing foreign aid and Source: ABC

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14 words GOP aren’t to use

In 2006 Frank Luntz, GOP political consultant and pollster who now works for Fox News Channel, wrote a campaign manual for Republicans it contained an…

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Santa Rosa County gets more competitive for jobs

Santa Rosa County commissioners last week approved a revision to its incentive program to attract jobs to their county. TEAM Santa Rosa can now offer…

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Construction jobs suck, too

The Pensacola area lost 600 construction jobs over the past 12 months, according to a new report. Construction employment declined in 153 out of 337…

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Pensacola isn’t a great area for local retailers

Civic Economics and the American Booksellers Association have released their annual Indie City Index, a ranking of every Metropolitan Area in the United States based…

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OP speaks out on Council vote

Press Release: After hours upon hours of Occupy members holding the City Council over time by filling the stack of the public forum, the counsel…

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City Council passes resolution in favor of tent city

The Pensacola City Council passed a resolution tonight in favor of Occupy Pensacola erecting tents and living in them for the next two weeks. Mayor…

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Occupy Showdown at City Council Meeting

Mayor Ashton Hayward’s office sent out the following press release a few minutes ago: Hayward to Occupiers: No More Tent Cities Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward…

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Occupy Pensacola to March to City Hall

OP Press Release – Oct. 26: Occupy Pensacola’s march from Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Plaza to City Hall on Friday, Oct 28 at 5…

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SEC gets Citigroup to pay up

The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday charged Citigroup’s principal U.S. broker-dealer subsidiary with misleading investors about a $1 billion collateralized debt obligation (CDO) tied to…

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Can Rubio be president?

The Birthers have a new target – Florida’s U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. They are questioning whether he is a “natural born citizen.” Rubio, who is…

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