Chamber to delay permanent search for Tourism VP

From Jim Hizer, Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce President/CEO: I have received several calls regarding this quote from yesterday’s press release…. “We are prepared…

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Time to look at Tourism

Before the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce hires a new VP of Tourism, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners needs to look at how…

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How GOP Crippled Our Postal Service

The last great union for government employees is the U.S. Postal Service. For 44 cents, you can have a letter delivered to anyone in the…

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Schroeder out, Scruggs in

Press Release: Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce announces former business executive, Terry Scruggs, as interim vice president of tourism. Ed Schroeder, former vice president…

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Florida city votes to drop its pensions

The City of Pensacola pays nearly $13 million annually for its general, fire and police pensions. Imagine what the City could do with that money….

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Wooden bridges for red-headed stepchild

North Escambia is the county’s red-headed stepchild. Few people realize that when they drive to the University of West Florida campus that they have reached…

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TDC membership complies with state law

Through a public record request, I received a April 25 letter from Escambia County Administrator Randy Oliver to TDC chair Denis McKinnon that stated the…

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2011 letter to BOCC on Tourism

Three years later, little has changed. The County Commission did its Civic Center study, but still is using bed tax dollars to subsidize the facility…

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2008 Letter to BOCC on Tourism

Here is the first of two letters that Ellis Bullock referenced in his statement to the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. The first is…

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Official Statement to Chamber

Statement to Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee September 12th, 2011 By Ellis W. Bullock and Denis McKinnon First, thank you for giving…

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Grover delivers upper cut

Another email to Chamber board: I am using this email because everyone is on it. I am shocked that the private sector leadership has allowed…

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Big George calls out Grover 4.0

George Hawthorne has responded to Grover Robinson’s response to his original letters about possible Sunshine Law violations: Grover: Firstly, it is very unbecoming of you…

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