Reuters gives inside look at Murdoch newsroom

Reuters has talked to former News of the World reporters complaining about the working conditions under Rebekah Brooks, the publisher and Rupert Murdoch confidante who…

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How Wahoo agreement compares with league teams

We have a spreadsheet on the Wahoos’ stadium agreement compares with the other teams in their league. Here is how it compares with the two…

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Summary of Stadium Use Agreement

Multi-Use Facility Use Agreement Summary of Proposed Terms with Northwest Florida Professional Baseball, LLC — Term: Ten (10) years plus at the option of the…

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PNJ brings Deal Chicken to P’cola

As I predicted in April, the daily newspaper has brought the Gannett coupon project, Deal Chicken, to this market. (Read April post). No word on…

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Mack Attack Emails

Through a public record request, the IN obtained copies of former Pensacola City Council member and current Pensacola Redistricting Commission member Diane Mack’s emails regarding…

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ALEC continues in the news

ProPublica also has a feature on ALEC –the Koch Brothers funded non-profit that wrote much the state legislation proposed around the country this year. And…

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Buzz: Mack on witch hunt over blog post

Former Pensacola City Council member and current Redistricting Commission member Diane Mack is upset over my posting the alternative district map that Supervisor of Elections…

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Ice Flyers owner and team prez speak out

From Chuck McCartney, Ice Flyers President: As Tim Kerr sat in his home in New Jersey watching the live broadcast of the BOCC meeting he…

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ALEC tied to Florida anti-union bill has found a link between the conservative think tank ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and Florida House Bill 1021. The bill, sponsored by Rep….

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Judge refuses to dismiss CMPA suit against developer

Federal Judge Casey Rodgers has denied the motion by Maritime Park Development Partners, LLC. to dismiss the lawsuit Community Maritime Park Associates, Inc. filed against…

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No Florida city has nine council members, except Pcola

At least none under 100,000 population, Pensacola has one of the largest in the state. I had our summer intern look up cities between 100,000…

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Alternative City District plan cuts out minority district

Supervisor of Elections David Stafford was asked by the City Redistricting Commission to develop an alternative map that had more contiguous districts. The plan shifts…

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