Tice denied re-titling cars in 2009

When I was investigating the murders of Bud and Melanie Billings, I interviewed Robert Beasley, Bud’s attorney, about his deceased client’s business relationship with Cab…

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Bishop Richard to leave area

Bishop John Ricard, head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, announced his resignation to a letter, dated to March 7, to Catholics in the…

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Cab Tice arrested

Henry “Cab” Tice has been arrested on count of racketeering and is held in the Santa Rosa County Jail on $250,000 bond. A joint investigation…

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NPR execs resign after video ambush

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned over the controversy surrounding a video was released showing chief NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller (no relation) criticizing Republicans as…

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Teacher pay bill flying towards passage

The Florida Senate will take up its teacher pay bill today and the House bill is expected on the floor of the other chamber next…

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Escambia County slowest growing county

Escambia County, Florida is the slowest growing county in the region, according to the latest census estimates that were released yesterday. The county is growing,…

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Yahoo complaint

Had a reader complained about a Yahoo toobar being added to his Firefox browser when he downloaded other software. It was default setting that he…

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Stallworth gets hung jury

At 11 p.m. on Thursday, Judge Nick Geeker released the jury in the Donnie Stallworth trial. The former Air Force staff sergeant was on trial…

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PNJ changes website, so do other Gannett papers

The News Journal will be touting its new website. It is merely the new Gannett template Rochester Ashville Jackson Ft. Myers Lafayette (green version)

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Buzz: CMPA board members resigning

Bentina Terry and Grace McCaffrey have apparently resigned from the Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees.

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Hayward begins West Side Development

Press Release: Hayward To Begin West Side Improvements, ESP to Purchase Pipeline As part of Mayor Ashton Hayward’s 20 Solutions for 2011 and other public…

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Century community center site of double shooting

NorthEscambia.com reports that Century’s Habitat building, the site of a double shooting early Saturday morning, was rented at the time by a Century woman for…

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