Predictions hold

Ashton Hayward has indeed won, 10,645-9,837, a hard-fought mayoral race over veteran incumbent Mike Wiggins. Both sides worked hard to get their messages out. Each…

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Buzz: Hayward supporters out in huge numbers

We are getting reports that the soccer moms are out this morning campaigning in support of Ashton Hayward. Yesterday nearly 100 Hayward supporters were waving…

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Oops, PNJ corrects Moby

In the Sunday, Oct. 31 edition of the News Journal. columnist Mark O’Brien accused mayoral candidate Ashton Hayward of schilling for the Levin firm: “Hayward’s…

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Wiggins perfect mayor, but for a different era

Mike Wiggins is a nice guy. Nearly everyone, including the supporters of Ashton Hayward, will tell you that. He is the perfect mayor…for the old…

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PNJ gets complaint about money saver overload

I received a copy of the following complaint sent to the Pensacola News Journal: You must immediately stop littering my yard with multiple copies of…

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IN Endorsements – Nov. 2 General Election

UNITED STATES SENATOR KENDRICK B. MEEK Congressman Meek has shown his concern for Northwest Florida by visiting this area more than either of his opponents,…

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More from Hayward interview

Here are the portions from the Oct. 21 interview with Ashton Hayward that we didn’t have space to include in the issue: IN: Do you…

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More from Wiggins interview

The interviews with mayoral candidates Mike Wiggins and Ashton Hayward went on for over two hours. We didn’t have the space to include all of…

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Meek stays in race

Ben Smith of Politico reported today that Bill Clinton tried, and almost succeeded, last week to convince Kendrick Meek to end his U.S. Senate campaign…

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Gonzalez found guilty

Patrick Gonzalez has been found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder.  Jury will deliberate sentencing on Friday.

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Defense rests without calling a witness

As one defense attorney who was watching the trial of Patrick Gonzalez told me, when you’re dealt a crappy hand it’s best to fold and…

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Batchelor: Blackberry Gate

Last night on The John Batchelor Show, I discussed with host John Batchelor and John Avlon, senior political columnist for The Daily Beast, author of…

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