Hayward must regain momentum

The Ashton Hayward campaign deliberately slowed down in September, spending more time at neighborhood meetings, attending youth sports events and walking door-to-door. Meanwhile his opponent,…

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Mack backs Wiggins for mayor

On Friday, October 8, outgoing City Councilwoman Diane Mack, who placed a distant third in the mayoral primary, unleashed a new blog, Pensacola for the…

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September contributions to mayoral race

Since the August primary, Mike Wiggins was successful in raising money from the parties  involved in the airport hotel development lawsuit, Chamber, Fiesta and retired…

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Rubio takes beating, not rattled

The debate between Marco Rubio, Charlie Crist and Kendrick Meek was heated. Crist and Meek went after Rubio, the clear front-runner in the race for…

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Another rumor hits the dust

Among the Pensacola Firefighters a rumor that has surfaced since the August primary has been that Charles Bare, who placed fourth in the mayor’s race,…

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Buzz: Inappropiate timing by Wiggins (updated)

While the buzz about Pensacola mayoral candidate Ashton Hayward skipping the Downtown Rotary debate has started to die down, there is a rumble in the…

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Buzz: Another Gallery Night to be added

The buzz is the Downtown Improvement Board will vote on adding another Gallery Night on Oct. 22. The vote will be this week.

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NYT: GOP takes House, falls short in Senate

Nate Silver of the New York Times in his FiveThirtyEight blog is forecasting that the Republicans will take over the House of Representatives (224-211) but…

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Rubio continues lead in US Senate race

Marco “Hot Dog” Rubio packed the tiny Dog House Deli in downtown Pensacola yesterday as local Republicans flocked to see their Senate candidate reach out…

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Spencer Releases Council Goals

Yesterday, Pensacola City Council candidate Brian Spencer released a list of goals for Dist. 6. Spencer said in a press release “the plan came about…

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Sink strikes back at Scott

Alex Sink has launched a new ad in which she focuses on opponent Rick Scott’s past problems. She begins by stating that she knows “Floridians…

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Oops, GOP uses wrong figures in slamming Sink

The Republican Party has been caught using incorrect figures in trying to slam Democrat Alex Sink, who is running for governor against Rick Scott. The…

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