Thomas to close three schools

WEAR TV 3 reports that Escambia County Superintendent of Schools Malcolm Thomas wants to close three alternative schools: Sidney Nelson, AV Clubbs and E-Seal. I…

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Beach Master Plan catching heat

The SRIA has been working on a new master plan for the commercial core of Pensacola Beach. The buzz is that the SRIA has gotten…

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Phantom jobs

WUWF radio interviewed State Sen. Don Gaetz this morning on how the legislature will balance the budget this year. Gaetz talked about phantom jobs –…

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DeWeese continues district-wide clean-up

Got this note from Councilmember Maren DeWeese: Bay Cliffs residents in District 3 braved a cold rain to improve the view of Escambia Bay at…

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Blog is 5 years old

Last month marked five years for Rick’s Blog. It began as a WordPress blog that I only posted to once or twice a week. Today…

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City Council not serious about jobs

We hear it everywhere: The number one priority for this community is jobs. Nearly every city council member will tell you that. However, the City…

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Gambling interests in Tallahassee

The Miami Herald is reporting that gambling is back on the table for this legislative session. Once again the state lawmakers will be presented with…

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Here is the what

The daily marketing solution (see) asks this question in its Sunday editorial- If not consolidation, then what? The Escambia County Commission and the constitutional officers…

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Rubio didn’t quite make 100 ideas law, not even 57

The St. Pete Times fact-checkers are looking U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio’s 100 Innovative Ideas For Florida’s Future. Rubio’s camp claims 57 of the 100…

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Class-size battle brewing

Florida voters in 2002 changed the state’s constitution to require smaller class sizes in their public schools. Since then, the Florida legislature, Gov. Jeb Bush…

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What can one council member do?

What can a council member do about crime in her district? Ask Maren DeWeese. For years, her neighborhoods have avoided the Bluffs park on Scenic…

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#1 Pensacola Drug Dealer Spot

The corner of A and Jackson streets is where drugs are sold daily openly on the street. It’s not secret. Everyone in that community knows…

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