Mayor promises council will discuss Pensacola Promise

At last night’s debate on the proposed new city charter, Mayor Mike Wiggins committed to placing the Pensacola Promise on the council agenda. Pensacola Promise…

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Televised Charter Debate tonight -Update

Bob Kerrigan is hosting a two-hour debate on his WUWF TV show – Channel 4 – from 6 to 8 p.m. this evening. Former Mayor…

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Fairchild – biggest supporter of No Boss Mayor

The No Boss Mayor PAC has released a draft of its campaign finance report for October. Charlie Fairchild has loaned the PAC $3,000 of the…

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Valentino gains another opponent

Karen Sindel has filed to run against Escambia County Commissioner Gene Valentino in 2010. Valentino now faces five opponents in the Republican primary, including former…

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Even more pension stats

The City of Pensacola has 2008 estimated population of 53,820. The two Florida cities that are closest in populations are Bradenton (53,513) and Margate (54,086)….

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More on pensions

The comparisons are even worse. The Escambia County Public School District: 2006 5,668 employees, pension costs $14.9 m, cost per employee $2,632 2007 5,765 employees,…

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Pension plan train wreck

One of the biggest examples of the financial risks in having an administrative branch of city government that isn’t directly answerable to the public is…

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Anti-charter tones down Fear & Smear campaign

The No Boss Mayor group has reduced its message down from six to four points and toned down the language. They have combined these two…

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Update on NMTC numbers

The New Market Tax Credit numbers are better than Ed Gray reported in August, based on the latest info that I’ve received: Sources: Gross Proceeds…

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Two ironies

1. The anti-charter people tell us we should leave government to the city staff. The anti-park people tell us we can’t trust the financing plan…

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New Market Tax Credits – quick look

The use of New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) for the Community Maritime Park and particularly the maritime museum has yet to be decided. Here is…

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What is the CMP bond plan?

The bond financing plan recommended by staff and approved by the council uses New Market Tax Credits which will allow UWF to get $12,256,785 for…

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