Morris liked cars

Former Okaloosa County Sheriff Charlie Morris like new cars, according to the Daily News. Morris went through 41 vehicles during the 12 years he spent…

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Pastor Monk is back

The Neighborhood Services Committee agenda has an item about Pastor Nathan Monk “Recently, the Saint Faustina Old Catholic Church of Pensacola, under the leadership of…

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Thomas solves mystery meat issue

Press Release from Escambia County Public School District: The District’s Food Services Department will unveil new menu items to be tested over the next three…

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Gaetz: Charter School reform passed, too

State Sen. Gaetz also talked about his bill, S 278, that reforms how charter schools are governed. Last year, the Florida Senate passed a similar…

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Gaetz: Valentino transportation idea passes

Just got off the phone with State Sen. Don Gaetz. He told me that Conforming Appropriations Bill that is about to be announced by the…

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Evers scorecard

State Rep. Greg Evers did worse than Murzin. The only personal bill that he got passed was the one on Consolidation: CS/HB 1431 The other…

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Murzin scorecard

As we reported in our Swimsuit issue, Murzin proposed several bills this session. He didn’t do too well with them. All four bills were withdrawn:…

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Murzin reports on session

State Rep. Dave Murzin sent out a report on the legislative session that has been extended another week so that the House and Senate can…

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Economic Development Update

Here is Charles Wood’s Economic Development Update he released on Friday. Wood is the senior vp for Economic Development for the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber…

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Gov. Crist to sign consolidation bill

While he is in town today, Gov. Charlie Crist will sign the bill that will form a consolidation commission that will draft a document for…

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Conservative Blog Trends

From Top Issues 1. Swine Flu 2. Republican Party 3. Education 4. Health Care 5. Army 6. China 7. Europe 8. Oil 9. Pending…

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Hall lags behind new council members

Sam Hall is the first Pensacola City Council member to have blog. He is lagging behind the new council members with his posts. Hall lasted…

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