Pensacola Tea Party

About 500 Tea Party protesters lined up in front of University Mall on Davis Highway, one of the busiest streets in Pensacola. Pensacola is a…

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Tourism update

The Bed Tax reports are in for March and YTD collections are down $65,044 compared to last year – 3.73 percent Areas hit hardest YTD…

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Economic Update

Received this email newsletter from Charles Wood of the Pensacola Chamber: This email is the result of a renewed effort to push information out about…

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BTW: Consolidation bill passes the house

The Florida House has approved the Escambia County consolidation commission bill with a 120-0 vote and no discussion. The bill now goes to the Florida…

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Oops, Equestrian Center gets bigger subsidy

The 2008-2009 budget for the Equestrian Center shows that it is getting $182,306 in LOST funds. This is a 45 percent increase over last fiscal…

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IN Hockey Proposal

Let the Southern Professional Hockey Team keep all the concessions and parking. It will give them an incentive to offer special promotions and take the…

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Why a mental health court

Robert Boggan maybe would still be alive. Boggan was arrested at a Dollar Tree store Aug. 18, 2005 by sheriff’s deputies after a disturbance. Escambia…

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Analysis of School Admin. cuts

I have reviewed the staff cuts that Superintendent Malcolm Thomas is proposing to the Escambia County School Board. Cutting 50 bus drivers makes up 35%…

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ECSO recommends Mental Health Court

Press Release ECSO RECOMMENDS MENTAL HEALTH COURT Pensacola, Fla — The Public Safety Coordinating Council of Escambia County yesterday recommended the County Commission allocate $387,169…

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Battle for DOJ grants

For the past 12 years, the block grants from the Department of Justice have given by the County Commissioners to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office…

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Lack of plan hurts hockey

Escambia County Commission has no economic plan which hurts the county when it is faced with proposals like professional hockey leasing the Civic Center. Does…

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There is more

John Panyko sent out this email: We have learned that the County will telling the Tourist Development Council this afternoon that the Pensacola Civic Center…

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