Gas prices rise

Gasoline prices jumped 9 cents last week. The average price for a gallon of regular, unleaded gasoline in Florida was $2.09 on Sunday, compared with…

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Elebash misstates facts in viewpoint

C.C. Elebash misstates the facts in his March 28 PNJ viewpoint, “Start slow with park infrastructure “: “The CRA would now have negative cash flow…

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Elebash costs fire pension $3 million

I’m not serious, but that would be how Elebash, Fairchild and others would be spinning the losses of the City Fire Pension, if Quint Studer…

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Elebash wants CMP, not stadium

Surprise, surprise. In his viewpoint in the PNJ today, C.C. Elebash wants the park infrastructure- roads, utilities, grading and environmental work-done, but nothing else on…

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Council passes Curbside recycling

Last the Pensacola City Council approved curbside recycling. Congratulations to last year’s Leadership Pensacola class who took this on as a project. They have succeeded…

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Anti-CMP experiment shows why P’cola moves slow

I thank my regular blog readers for indulging me in my week-long experiment with the anti-CMP cult. Since 2005, we have had a small group…

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More Prostitution arrests (photos)

Prostitution Arrests in Brownsville Area On March 23rd into the early morning hours of March 24th, Escambia Deputies conducted another Prostitution sting in the area…

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Mythbusted: Independent Baseball Thrives

Mythbusted: Independent Baseball Thrives Posted on March 24, 2009 The anti-CMP cult like to scoff at the Pensacola Pelicans because they aren’t affiliated with a…

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Locals out of work, Birmingham firm recommended

A email received today: Thank you for your recent article. My husband, a local architect, is now out of work as one of the casualties…

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Economic Development: who will be in charge

Politics may take over Economic Development in Escambia County. Some may argue that it already has, but now we have two options facing us. Mort…

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Council meeting lasts eight hours

The Pensacola held its committee meetings from 3:15-11:00 p.m. yesterday. The city staff appears to be out to wear down, The curbside recycling presentation took…

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Buzz: Cindy Anderson new Asst. County Administrator

We are hearing that Cindy Anderson, the executive director of TEAM Santa Rosa, will be named the new assistant county administrator for Escambia County. Part…

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