Buzz: Perkins trying to derail consolidation

The buzz from Tallahassee is that ECUA board member Dale Perkins is there to introduce to the House committee considering the bill on consolidation an…

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Another shooting involving teen

Last night, another teen, age 14, was shot in the leg by a drive-by shooter on Hampton Rd. Both Superintendent of Schools Malcolm Thomas and…

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Collier says Studer didn’t appoint him to CMPA

In a phone interview with Judge Lacey Collier, chairman of the Community Maritime Park Board of Trustees, the judge said that he was appointed to…

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Studer says O’Brien insinuations are out of line

PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien continued his passive aggressive attacks on Pensacola Pelican owner and Studer Group CEO Quint Studer. O’Brien insinuates that Studer and his…

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Judge and CMPA Board aren’t the problem

Today PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien writes: “Judge Lacey Collier may do fine in the court of law, but he lacks the patience and temperament to…

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PNJ article another indicator of great divide

There is a great divide between local government employees and the public they serve. Sunday’s article on the city compensation in the News Journal shows…

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Two big meetings today

This morning at the Extension offices, the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners is meeting to discuss the 2009-10 budget. The BOCC who failed to…

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Pension buying CMPA bonds may work

The idea (Read Outtakes) is gaining momentum. Pensacola City Council member Maren DeWeese has asked Dick Barker to bring to the council his recommendations for…

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Compass Bank Robbery (photos)

At approximately 9:00 A.M this morning, a white male walked into the Compass Bank located at 6701 N. Davis Hwy and presented a note to…

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Broxson pre-qualifies for Evers seat

Press Release: Broxson Pre-Qualifies for State Representative, District One. Midway resident and local businessman Douglas Broxson 59, has pre-qualified to campaign for the seat of…

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Fabre responds to Chimes Way award

From: Frank J. Fabre, P.E., P.S.M. Fabre Engineering & Surveying RE: Chimes Way Park Design and Selection of Professional Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors Chimes…

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Air tanker deal may be shot down

CQ Politics is reporting that the White House directed the Pentagon to delay procurement of air refueling tankers by five years and cancel plans for…

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