City pensions lose $38.8 million

The City of Pensacola has posted its comprehensive financial reports on its website. The Stock Market collapse has significantly hurt the city pension plans: Investment…

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Boone Report: There is an Econ. Dev. part to trip

By IN reporter Sean Boone The King and Queen of Spain aren’t the only reason the governor is headed to Pensacola. On Thursday morning state…

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Are we missing business opportunities with royal visit?

King Juan Carlos is on a trade mission, according to Spanish papers. It appears Pensacola is the only non-trade visit of his trip. King Juan…

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Firefighters Union speaks on firings/resignations

I received this email yesterday on the resignation of Escambia County Fire Chief Ken Perkins: Chief Perkins’s county-requested resignation is disheartening. The changes instituted reflect…

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Palafox is two-way today.

The City painted the double strips and has barrels near the intersections to remind drivers. For the past week, we’ve an average of four cars…

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Chamber economic development update

Weekly update from Charles Wood, Senior Vice President – Economic Development, Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce : * Technology sector still strong –Several existing…

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What are the open items on developer agreement?

CMPA consultant Owen Beitsch sent an email to the CMPA board listing these open items on the master developer agreement with Maritime Park Development Partners…

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Atlanta Journal Constitution reader remembers P’cola, circa 1930s

Found this letter to the editor in the Atlanta Journal Constitution: Schools should get federal funding I agree with Jonathan Zimmerman that “Schools desperately need…

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Mack pushes for action on CMP

Pensacola City Council member Diane Mack has sent out this email: Lacey Collier, Chairman Community Maritime Park Association Board Dear Lacey, The progress of negotiations…

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Sorry, C.C. Elebash

A week or so ago, I brought up that former Save Our City leader and voice for the anti-Community Maritime Park, C. C. Elebash, was…

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Moby lacks facts to back o’pine

Today, PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien posted his analysis on the consulting fees that are being incurred to develop the master developer agreement. He makes a…

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Only 1 out of three county engineering contracts local

Since Jan. 1, 2009, Escambia County has awarded three engineering contracts only one was to a firm headquartered in the Pensacola area. Fortunately, it was…

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