Local contractor was low bidder on Saengar paint job

By IN reporter Sean Boone When Dooley-Mack was awarded as the contractor for the Saenger Theatre’s renovation project, Robertson-Curtis Inc. was under the impression it…

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Boone Report: Locals would paint Saenger for $16/hour

IN reporter Sean Boone interviewed the protesters: Members of International Union of Painters and Allied Trades stood outside the Saenger Theatre on Tuesday morning to…

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Local painters picket Saenger Theatre

The painters working on the renovation of the Saenger Theatre are making $26/hour, but unfortunately they are from Michigan, not Pensacola —according to the leaders…

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Petland to be picketed

The Junior Humane Society of Pensacola will mark St. Valentine’s Day by sponsoring a protest at PETLAND at 6235 Davis Highway in Pensacola from 11…

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Miller votes against Children’s Health Insurance

Congressman Jeff Miller voted last Wednesday against Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009. Total vote: 290 yeas to 135 nays. The bill will…

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Trustees respond to Attorney General

The Board of Trustees of Northwest Florida State College have sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum on its March 2008 meeting with…

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Moby attacks blog

PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien used his column today to go after this blog: “At https://ricksblog.biz, you will find some good scoops on government. But Rick…

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Elebash bashes Maren DeWeese

The long-time critic of the Community Maritime Park, C.C. Elebash, is trying to quiet one of the strongest voices for getting the park built, Council…

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Teen violence continues to escalate

WEAR TV is reporting that a 15 year old has been shot in what may be a drive-by shooting. It happened Sunday near the intersection…

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Who will greet the King and Queen?

The King and Queen of Spain will visit Pensacola next week. We know they will be staying on Pensacola Beach. We know that will land…

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Army suicides may exceed war casualties

The Washington Post reports today that the number of soldiers who committed suicide in January could reach 24, a count that would be the highest…

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Pratt keeps city pension

On her blog, Council member Megan Pratt defends her decision to enroll in the city retirement plan….simply because Pratt sees that it’s part of her…

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