Mika who?

Washington Post has a piece of Joe Scarborough’s co-host Mika Brzezinski. The article describes how she texts friends and even Joe’s wife Susan during the…

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Bailout bonus babies

AP has reviewed the compensation for the executives of the banks and financial institutions that our tax dollars bailed out. Banks that are getting taxpayer…

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Scarborough gets radio show

Conservative radio can’t wait for the Obama administration. Of course, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity can’t wait, but others are waiting in the wings. Morning…

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PNJ writes Hall editorial, nine days later

The daily newspaper takes on Sam Hall for leaving a council meeting early to avoid a vote and possibly lying about a trip to Atlanta….

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Van Galen gets Wisc. chancellorship

UWF Vice President for Advancement has been recommended to be the next Chancellor for University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Read news-uwrf-chancellor-recommendation

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How journalism will survive

From Online Journalism Review: Activist newsrooms don’t have to abandon journalistic principles, says Robert Niles. “They simply need to refocus on principles they should have…

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Don Gaetz: Real power

State Sen. Don Gaetz has been appointed by Senate President Jeff Atwater to head the Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy. According to Atwater: “The…

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Sansom bumper stickers

Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom deserves a bumper sticker to honor his special relationship with Northwest Florida State College. Here are a few suggestions: Got…

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How will state lawmakers serve us?

Our state representatives, Greg Evers, Dave Murzin and Clay Ford, have been given their committee and council assignments. We have two chairmanships: Evers votes on…

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NWFSC loves Sansom, not Gaetz

“I have never been invited to a meeting of the Northwest Florida State College board of directors in my life.”—my favorite from today’s Daily News…

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Beware of gift cards

If you bought a gift card at Experience Salon, you are out of luck. The new owners – former employees of Experience – have told…

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Bye, Luke

WCOA host Luke McCoy has his last show on Friday, Dec. 19. It has been reported that Cumulus will replace him and “Pensacola Speaks” with…

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