Who will replace Mel Martinez

The biggest name being batted around is popular former Gov. Jeb Bush. However, I wouldn’t rule out MSNBC host and former Congressman Joe Scarborough. Yes,…

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CMP could begin Feb. 2009

The summary of the Master Developer Agreement has a timeline for the various phases. It shows that Land Capital plans to start moving dirt on…

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Boone Report: Port director says lease is good deal

by IN reporter Sean Boone by Sean Boone Pensacola Port Director Clyde E. Mathis says the proposed Council amendment to the lease between the Pate…

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More layoffs

This time it’s at the Pensacola News Journal. Owner Gannett has ordered another 10-percent cut throughout the system. We hear the cuts include three employees…

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Free our CMP

I read the daily newspaper’s article on yesterday’s Community Maritime Park Associates Board meeting. It’s titled “Maritime Park plan in flux.” Folks, we have to…

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Century approves All-For-One concept

The Century City Council listened last night to Scott Remington and Jason Crawford talk about consolidating Escambia County into one unified government. The council then…

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Severe buy-out clause in Port lease

City staff is presenting on Dec. 8 to the city council’s Enterprise Committee a lease amendment for Pate Cold Storage that will extend the lease…

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Boone Report: GOP retreat

By IN reporter Sean Boone According to Florida State Rep. Greg Evers, the Republican state lawmakers that met in Destin two weeks ago for a…

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All For One in Century tonight

Escambia All-For-One is in Century tonight What: Century City Council Meeting When: Tonight, Dec 1st @ 7pm Where: Century City Hall Purpose: Presentation to city…

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End lame duck councils

The Pensacola Charter Review Commission needs to move up the timeline for when a new council takes office. This two-month lag time between the election…

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Florida has real financial crisis

State economists report that they project Florida will collect $31.4-billion less in taxes than expected over the next four years. Why? Fewer people are moving…

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Saturn of Pensacola casuality of bailout?

The Big Three Automakers will be submitting this week to Congress their detailed plans on how they will use government funds to turnaround their companies….

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