Pensacola loses another leader

Nelson Bradshaw is the new city president for Compass Bank in Jacksonville. Read more. Congratulations to Nelson.

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Letter from reader confirms survey

The results of the Quality of Life study are real. Here is a letter I got after I spoke on to local professional group yesterday….

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IN report on Council meeting

City acknowledges economic problem, divisive on attack by Sean Boone What could be worse than hearing your elected city officials (up for reelection I might…

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New blog keeps eye on Miller

Congressman Jeff Miller is being watched on a new blog – The Jeff Miller Chronicle. Today’s post – Miller Broke?

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Panama City has gangs…so do we

News Herald has a jailhouse interview with “Worm”, a member of the Crazy White Boys gang, in its story Alleged gang members speak out. According…

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PNJ wakes up, sees under 40s may be leaving

The daily newspaper is slowly picking up on the idea that under 40 year olds aren’t all happy here. We’ve been writing about it for…

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Wave of the future for PNJ

The Chicago Tribune is cutting back to just three sections: News, Life and Sports (Read more). PNJ could probably go with two, combining its tiny…

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Pssst, change is the message

Even John McCain is now talking about change. I hear Pensacola City Council members are upset over the Quality of Life. They claim it was…

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Moby’s vision is off

In his PNJ column today, Mark “Moby” O’Brien writes: …Pensacola clearly is evolving into a retirement and vacation community, and they’re deciding whether to fight…

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Good News

This is a huge step in the right direction. Escambia County Commission reduces the county’s 2007-08 property tax millage rate from 8.017 mils to 6.9755…

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O’Sullivan’s speech at Chamber annual meeting

Given today at New World Landing: Good morning and welcome. We’re here today because we share an interest, a love and a concern for our…

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No gangs?

More teen on teen violence. Yet no one wants to call gang-related. WEAR TV reports: Pensacola Police say a 16 year old stabbed an 18…

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