IN Your Head Radio: Wilson Robertson

He will have him on the show at 1:15. Listen online:

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Boeing threatens to drop out

Reuters reports: Boeing Co. confirmed on Friday it may withdraw from a $35 billion competition for new aerial refueling aircraft unless the Pentagon agrees to…

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Letter to CMPA

Dear Esteemed Board Members: The Community Maritime Park Referendum Voted YES for approval by the People of Pensacola on September 5 2006, clearly stated: For…

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Where will Baptist ER patients go?

The PNJ reports more on the Baptist-West Florida Hospital union today. The big question is what will happen to the ER patients. Sacred Heart is…

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Pssst….shooting at mall

It was gang-related. For some reason, authorities want you to think otherwise. There are gangs in Pensacola. So far they aren’t tied to the national…

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Quote of the Day

“He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.” – Harold Wilson

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Inflation surges

Prices for the past year are rising at the fastest pace in 27 years. Labor Dept. reports wholesale inflation soared in July. Wholesale prices are…

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State $1.5 billion shortfall

Republicans have been in charge of the state budget and economy for 10 years. They have repeatedly cut taxes and pushed more mandates onto the…

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Greatness slips away from Pcola again

Remember when Pensacola was to get a cruise ship. The City Council got so excited about it. The ship would dock at the Port. Visitors…

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GGW Francis to sue Bay County, more

“Girls Gone Wild” founder Joe Francis is seeking $300 million in a lawsuit that he intends to file, according to News Herald. “Girls Gone Wild”…

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IN Your Head Radio Backtracks 8.19

Former GOP Congressman John LeBoutillier talks about McCain deserting POWs in Indochina. Listen Read the blog

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Finnegan’s Wake files Chap. 11

Finnegan’s Wake Irish Pub has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The Nine Mile Road restaurant opened earlier this year in a site that once housed…

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