IN Your Head Radio 5.23

On Fridays, you get to rant. We will open the phone lines at 850-437-1620 to hear what YOU have to say. I will also welcome…

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Notes: Council 5.22.08

May 22 City Council meeting notes: At Thursday night’s City Council meeting, Sam Hall asked his fellow council members if they would just vote on…

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Fear in county complex

“Rick, you know how vindictive Whitehead is. You just don’t know what he might do if he is removed from the chairmanship.” These are the…

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Mobile tanker victory

Mobile Press Register reports the Northrop-Grumman tanker deal won a big victory yesterday in Congress. On a voice vote with virtually no debate Wednesday night,…

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Great headline

This is headline that really grabbed my attention: Man found naked in pond with gators arrested for missing court date. Haven’t read the story, but…

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PNJ story on ECUA was incredible

People are really scratching their heads over yesterday’s PNJ story on ECUA dropping its lawsuit against Escambia County over mandatory use of the landfill. The…

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End GOB Rule

We need Mike Whitehead to step down as Escambia County Commission chairman or the other commissioners need to remove him – Tall Tales. We have…

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CMP can be built

We do not have to wait for Florida Supreme Court. Read: Park Financing Back On Track

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Notes: ECUA 5.21.08 – Walker was there

The May 21 ECUA Citizen’s Advisory Committee meeting opened with a short member forum and ended with an informative update about the replacement of the…

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Will Crist be McCain’s VP? or me?

Gov. Charlie Crist is actively seeking to Sen. John McCain’s running mate. He will not give up the governorship unless he is elected vice president….

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ECUA spins dropping lawsuit

I love the title and subtitle of this PNJ article: Landfill lawsuit trashed – Moves Escambia closer to countywide curbside recycling . ECUA dropped the…

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IN Your Head Radio Playback

In case you missed the show, you can click on the links below to hear the following calls Santa Rosa County Commissioner Gordon Goodin Escambia…

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