Reply from Attorney General

Looks like I won’t be prosecuted this time. ——– Original Message ——– Subject: Re: Independent News – Walker Holmes Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:14:30…

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No more sewage dumping in bays or sound

ECUA may have had to relocate the Main Street Sewage Treatment plant if a bill that is currently in the Florida Senate becomes law. The…

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Greyhound track may get more regulations

Florida is No. 1 in greyhound racetracks. According to the Miami Herald, state regulators want more inspection power and penalties for animal abusers. The industry…

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Insurance may have to cover autism

The Daily News reports that the state legislature may require large group health insurance plans to provide diagnostic screening, intervention and treatment of autism. It…

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Okay, we will help

From my point of view these are the top stories at -without video, podcast, webcams or forums: (be aware all links may have…

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Clay Ford report on state house

Wrap-up Week 4 CS/HB 643 Unanimously Passes The House Legislation protecting homeowners from foreclosure fraud easily passed a full vote in the House Chamber Wednesday.House…

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I have lost some weight

For those of you taking shots at me for the UWF football photo, I do weigh less than I did for this photo: Or this…

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Where is the news

On Sundays, I work on the Seven Days column for the IN. In the past, I would simply review the news articles on the PNJ…

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UWF Football T-Shirts

These are now available at UWF bookstore.

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Moby cries for government workers

PNJ columnist Mark (Moby) O’Brien cries out for the government workers in his column today: It’s painful and awkward, worrying if your job will vanish…

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Record day for IN

The April Fool’s issue has been a tremendous online success. had its busiest Thursday ever with 6,375 unique visitors. The cover story – Pensacola,…

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Fiesta Forces signup huge success

The Fiesta Forces had their best sign-up party ever last night – adding a record number of new members. If you missed the party, you…

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