City held hostage 545 days

545 days since the CMP referendum was passed. 545 days without 1500 construction jobs and their $1 million dollar payroll circulating through the city. 1…

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Should City opt out of pensions and retirement

The total budget for pensions and retirement contributions for Pensacola city employees is $12,810,80. This costs every man, women and child living inside the city…

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City council now on state retirement

I’ve been reviewing the City of Pensacola’s 2008 approved budget. The Mayor and City Council have added this fiscal year for the first time $23,100…

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More from Feb. 28 council meeting

From the council’s follow-up paperwork: Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a ten-year lease with Robert A. Cole d/b/a Bob Cole Imports for…

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Notes: City Council meeting

COUNCIL MEETING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS FEBRUARY 28, 2008, 7 P.M. All members were present at Thursday evening’s City Council Meeting. The following issues were discusses in…

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City held hostage for 542 days

The Community Maritime Park construction will generate 1,500 jobs. The estimated weekly payroll is between $1 and $1.5 million per week – money that would…

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Sour milk

If you have a pitcher of sour milk, no matter how many glasses or how small the servings, every glass will contain sour milk. We…

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Tech park may be ambushed

Rumors are flying that a group may try to ambush the Commerce Tech Park tonight at the Pensacola City Council meeting. There may be a…

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Mobile wins again

The National Maritime Museum of the Gulf of Mexico – which is located in Mobile – announced Tuesday that the Charting the Course Capital Campaign…

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Fire tax on council agenda

Pensacola City Council holds a public hearing tonight on the fire tax. Let’s see if the council really understands how they are taxing community to…

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Cantonment Catfish pond

We have gotten a copy of the actual stormwater permit that Roads, Inc. got for the super, duper catfish pond in Cantonment. The permit –…

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Fear in high schools

The high schools are under tight security after the slaying of high school student Daryl Williams, 15, was fatally shot Saturday night during an altercation…

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