County administrator candidate resigned last week

Randy Oliver,the City Manager for Peoria, Ill. resigned last week. Oliver is a finalist for the Escambia County job. Here is what the blog “The…

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Bay Co. airport in court

A three-judge panel from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan will hear arguments from three organizations that challenged the Federal Aviation Administration’s approval…

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Paul censured

Escambia County School Board did the right thing in censuring – i.e. expressing its disapproval of – Superintendent Jim Paul for his DUI arrest. Censure…

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FL Attorney General on radio

Bill McCollum will be on IN Your Head Radio today to discuss Guiliani campaign and the interim state grand jury report on gang violence. NewsRadio…

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Campaign Theme songs

Sen. John McCain has a new campaign song, “Take a Chance on Me,” by the Swedish disco grouo Abba. For some reason, his old song…

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Bush and GOP Congress killed US economy

There are some startling numbers that show how badly the Bush Administration and the GOP-controlled Congress hurt the US economy. Unlike Reagan, Bush and the…

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New wrinkle in healthcare

Have you been late on paying your medical bills? Well, hospitals may start refusing treatment based on your credit history. A new medical bill payment…

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What ever happened to condo-hotels?

Last spring, Pensacola Beach, the Santa Rosa Island Authority and the Escambia county commission debated and studied for weeks whether to allow the new lodging…

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Marty, give us a solution

Pensacola City Councilman Marty Donovan spoke to the PNJ on Sunday about the red clays discharges into Pensacola Bay during and after heavy rain storms….

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Stay civil, stay on point

We’ve got a few people writing multiple comments on the Paul posts under a variety names. All are attacking Jim Paul. Obviously, the intent is…

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Studer profile

I realize that are those out there who may be wondering why Quint Studer would counsel Jim Paul on alcoholism recovery. Here is a profile…

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Escambia County School ZT policy

Here is what the Escambia County student manual says about drugs under Zero Tolerance. There is no special section for alcohol: Drugs: The unlawful use,…

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