Elebash has history against Studer, Park

Retired UWF professor C.C. Elebash, who wrote a viewpoint yesterday calling for the City to not build the baseball park, has a long history of…

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Sorrell may leave ECUA

Stephen Sorrell, executive director of the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, is a finalist to manage the nation’s largest desalination plant. The plant recently has passed…

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If only Pensacola could send out this flyer

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Save Our City lives

C.C. Elebash, retired UWF professor and the economic guru for the group formerly known as Save Our City, hasn’t given up his fight to stop…

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Census: Florida losing its attraction

The economic boom for the state appears to be over, and Pensacola missed it. Wait a minute. Do adding WalMarts, Walgreens and Starbucks count? Maybe…

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Historic Day for PNJ

For the first time in recent memory, the Pensacola News Journal gives credit to WEAR TV 3 for breaking a story. They even link to…

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Where Pcola Spiderman is now?

Remember the window cleaner who called himself “Spiderman”. He has moved to Gainesville and is doing very well. Another Pensacola exile that had to go…

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Top 10 Tech

The alternative newsweekly NOW has listed the Top 10 Tech Trends of 2007. Apple’s iPhone, FaceBook and Web TV top the list. The iPhone is…

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Are McGuire’s dollars illegal?

According to the Treasury Department: “The defacement of currency” is against the law. “Whoever mutilates, cuts, disfigures, perforates, unites or cements together, or does any…

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Test your 2007 news knowledge

South Florida Sun-Sentinel has this quiz on the events of 2007. I missed one. Check it out: Year in review quiz

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Should Civic Center be sold?

The word that I am getting is that at least three of the Escambia County commissioners are ready to dump the Pensacola Civic Center and…

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Cheesiest UWF ad ever

Found on WEAR TV website. There have got to be better designers on campus.

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