Fish hatchery hearing set for April 3

City Attorney Lysia Bowling today notified the Pensacola City Council that its motion to dismiss the lawsuit concerning the construction of a fish hatchery on…

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Poll: District breakdown on raising pay for mayor

  In 2014, I suggested the Pensacola City Council considered a charter amendment that would tie the mayor’s salary to that of the county’s constitutional…

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Grover asks City Council not to raise salary for mayor

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson, who is the only candidate that has pre-filed to run for mayor of Pensacola, has sent an email to the…

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Two-thirds of Pensacola voters oppose giving mayor a raise

Inweekly asked Pensacola voters if they supported the city council increasing the mayor’s salary from $100,000 to $125,000: Yes 21% No 68% Undecided 11% The…

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‘Transparent Pensacola’ R.I.P.

The City of Pensacola no longer has its Transparent Pensacola page, which was created in July 2015 to demonstrate his “commitment to making city government…

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Hilton Garden Inn planned for South Ninth Ave

The City of Pensacola’s Gateway Review Board will consider at its next meeting the conceptual plan for 101-room Hilton Garden Inn on the corner of…

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City outside legal fees set new record

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward used fewer outside law firms from Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2017, but the firms were paid more than any previous first quarter…

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Sheriff Morgan: ‘Beyond Serious’ on handling campus threats

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Pensacola Police Department and the Escambia County School District have been dealing with a rash of social media threats that…

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Burgess Road sidewalks sacrificed because paving program over budget

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward doesn’t like to explain or defend his decisions in face-to-face situations, town hall meetings, or anywhere he might have to answer…

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Convention center with indoor sports facility could create 660 jobs

A new study shows that a convention/conference center in combination with an indoor sports facility could generate as much $90 million revenue for the local…

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City Hall misses timely release of quarterly reports…again

For the second consecutive year, the Hayward administration has failed to present the quarterly financial reports for the first quarter on a timely basis. The…

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Grover Robinson raises $67K for mayoral race

Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson had another strong fundraising month in January. He raised $3,700, bringing his total to $67,680 in the race to be…

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