DEP advertises for fish hatchery bids

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has posted its invitation for bids for the Florida Gulf Coast Marine Fisheries Hatchery and Enhancement Center. A mandatory…

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City removes Corinne Jackson marker from Corinne Jones Park

The Corinne Jackson marker has been removed from Pensacola’s Corinne Jones Park. The marker, which misidentified African-American icon Corinne Jones, the first director of the…

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See aerial footage of Bruce Beach

Watch this drone footage of Bruce Beach. You can see the two mitigation areas and the marsh conservation area. The site is larger that it…

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For the record: Mitigation and conservation areas of Bruce Beach

Above is the map that was included in the Biological Assessment of Bruce Beach, completed in 2013. There are two mitigation areas – City of…

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Plaque controversy: Corinne vs. Corrine, Jackson vs. Jones

On Tuesday, Dr. Gloria Horning sent an email on behalf of the Tanyard Neighborhood Association to CRA Director Helen Gibson regarding the Corinne Jackson plaque…

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Six things you need to know about the Bruce Beach fish hatchery

1. June 2011 Council vote was not binding. When the Pensacola City Council voted unanimously in favor of the concept of a fish hatchery at…

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Myth Buster: No soil contamination issues at Bruce Beach

When Mayor Ashton Hayward presented the fish hatchery initiative to the Pensacola City Council in June 2011, he repeatedly stressed the BP dollars would help…

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The hard construction cost for hatchery building may range $5.5M-$8.7M, not $18.8M

We’ve heard Mayor Hayward talk about how the state is investing $18.8 M at Bruce Beach,  The budget shows that only about half of the…

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Missing Fish Hatchery documents detail inside hatchery and fish tank farm

The Pensacola Mayor’s Office has gotten lazy. Its Transparency Page segment on the fish hatchery only had a few renderings and a series of documents…

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Corinne Jones Park details continue to plague Hayward administration

The Corinne Jones-Government Street Stormwater Pond project is nearly complete. Yes, there was another washout on the east pond, but the engineers will fix that….

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Florida state hatcheries are in state parks away from population centers

The state of Florida has two freshwater fish hatcheries. The Florida Bass Conservation Center is in the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve in Sumter County miles…

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CRA administrator declares Bruce Beach not part of CRA…stop laughing

Mayor Ashton Hayward and his staff continue to try to wordsmith their way of the issues surrounding the fish hatchery. Last week, the mayor’s office…

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